This is not bad ward. But very 'bad' ward if there is many H word at the day I will explore and
cry and being anngry to my mom and Hyeonbin.
I really hate the H ward. When I am doing H word I become wild.
I shout sometimes I think 'I want to quit Handong and go to another school. Or just not study and play.' I can't understand why there is homework in the Earth. Sometimes I am telling God 'why did you make me. Why are you giving me this work. You was bad. Why did you make a techers is whole world to give student a H ward!!'
So everynight I fight wit my mom. Sometmes dad.
So me and my mom's relationship is not that good.
But not dad. OMG. I have to be freindly with my mom because she lives with me 365days or little bit less than. God? Can you make no H ward is the whole world? PLEASE!
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